
Help and description of the process of ordering services → What IP address is provided for the VPS/VDS server?

[VPS/VDS servers]
Date of publication: 28.01.2024

For virtual servers, dedicated, static IPv4 addresses are provided by default. They are unique throughout the Internet and always remain on your virtual server for the period of use.

You can always purchase the number of addresses you need by reporting the required quantity through a request to technical support.

We also provide IPv6 addresses for virtual servers free of charge upon request.

If you use a virtual server as a proxy server, when surfing the Internet, the IP address of the virtual server will be displayed. This way you can set up access control for corporate resources, making them accessible only through a proxy server. This method allows you to increase the security of access to corporate systems even from dynamic IP addresses, for example via the mobile Internet. After all, all users will access them through a proxy server - the IP of which is always static.