
Help and description of the process of ordering services → Viewing the contents of an SSL certificate (CRT) or request file (CSR)

[SSL certificates]
Date of publication: 15.01.2024

To view the contents of a certificate file (CRT) or a certificate request file (CSR), you can use a convenient online tool at the following link: View the contents of CRT and CSR files.

1. Copy the contents of the file

Including the starting and ending lines -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- as shown below and click the Verify Certificate button.

1.1 Displaying details

In our example, we decode the certificate request file, the data of which can be viewed, if the certificate file is verified, additional fields will be displayed including the start date and expiration date.

If you wish, you can share a link to this result, which is generated on the result form.