
Help and description of the process of ordering services → Managing DNS domain records on DNS hosting service

Date of publication: 17.01.2024

The DNS hosting service allows you to manage DNS records of a domain without having a virtual hosting service, which includes a DNS editor, file manager and mail.

DNS hosting service is a separate domain record editor on separate name servers.

This service is especially in demand for owners of virtual servers. You do not need to configure your name service, you can add the domains you need and edit records, indicating which service which server will be responsible for.

To manage the DNS hosting service, follow the link provided, or from your personal account: menu Services -> DNS hosting .

1. Adding a domain

1.1 Specify the default domain and IP address for the A record

If necessary, select a set of records, this is convenient if you want to connect mail to the domain on popular services (gmail, yandex, mail). After selecting a service, the necessary records will be added automatically; all you have to do is compare them with those that were given to you when connecting the domain.

1.2 Select the desired one from the list of domains and click on the edit icon opposite

1.3 Viewing and editing domain DNS records

1.3.1 Add new entries if necessary

First select the record type and then enter the data.

Save changes after editing.

Please note that these records are active. You need to register a DNS server for the added domain - this is done in the personal account of the provider from whom you purchased the domain.

After the next daily check, the domain status in clause 1.3 will change to Active.