
Help and description of the process of ordering services → How to change virtual server configuration

[VPS/VDS servers]
Date of publication: 16.01.2024

Changing the configuration of virtual servers allows you to reduce or increase the amount of initially selected resources. You can always change the server configuration. All initially selected options:

  • SSD disk capacity
  • Amount of random access memory (RAM)
  • Number of IP addresses
  • Number of processor cores (CPU)

1. Open a request to the VPS/VDS server section

1.1 Describe the required configuration in free form

Tell us which server parameters you want to change and open a request. Within some time you will be provided with cost information.

If you change the configuration of the VDS server, it will need to be rebooted for the new parameters to take effect; at this stage, you can also agree on the time for applying the new configuration.

To change the configuration on VPS servers, a restart is not required.

All your files and data on the server remain unchanged and do not require any action.