
There are 3 basic types of owner verification for issuing a certificate:

  • DV - Domain Validation (Domain Checking) – This verification includes confirmation of the e-mail address created on this domain. After ordering this type of domain, a confirmation link will be sent to the e-mail. After passing through it, the certificate is activated and issued to the client.

  • OV – Organization Validation (Verification of the organization) – The organization is verified for compliance and ownership of this domain. The domain must be registered with this organization, information about it should be available in the whois service. So the documents confirming the existence of the company are provided, in the case of the Russian company it is OGRN, INN. Also, in addition to E-mail, you must confirm the telephone number of the organization for which you will call the validation center employee before issuing the certificate. The telephone number of the company should be published in one of the largest online directories of your city, country or an extract from Rosstat (in the case of the Russian Federation company).

  • EV – Extended Validation (Extended organization verification) – This includes all the checks described for OV and another verification of the company's reputation and business activity, which increases the validity period to 10-14 days.