
(Last change: 14.01.2025)

Snapshots - snapshots allow you to save the current state of the virtual machine, its settings and settings. Unlike a backup, a snapshot is created very quickly within a few minutes, regardless of the size of the virtual machine disk, and you can also quickly return to the created snapshot.

Creation of snapshots for VDS server is available in your personal account in the service management section. Snapshot creation takes 5 minutes and becomes available to the client during this time. After the operation is completed, the snapshot will become available for recovery.

This functionality is convenient for administrators and developers, if you need to return the state back and you have snapshots, this operation will be performed much faster and without rebooting the virtual machine, in contrast to the same recovery from a backup.


To manage, you need to go to your personal account, in the Products\Services menu, then select the VDS server from the list of services.