
Knowledge base → Replacing .php and .html in links

[Virtual servers] [Shared hosting]
Date of publication: 08.06.2023

In order to hide the .php and .html extensions from the file in the link, we need to make settings for the web server, we will consider the most popular options. 

1. For the Apache web server, we will use the .htaccess file, which must be placed in the root directory of our site:


RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.php [NC,L] RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [NC,L]

2. For the Nginx / PHP-FPM web server, we will use the host configuration file.


location / { if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite ^/([^.]+)$ /$1.php break; } rewrite ^/([^.]+)$ /$1.html break; }

3. For Plesk 18 control panel, in case of htaccess use option 1, it is suitable for both hosting and server configuration. If using nginx / php-fpm, write the following directives:

Menu -> Apache and nginx settings

rewrite ^/?(.).php$ /$1 redirect; rewrite ^/?(.).html$ /$1 redirect;

if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite ^/([^.]+)$ /$1.php break; } if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite ^/([^.]+)$ /$1.html break; }

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