
Help and description of the process of ordering services → View and change domain owner contact whois information

Date of publication: 17.01.2024

To keep the domain owner's data up to date - they need to be updated if there are changes. For international domains, owner data can be updated in real time by logging into your personal account.

1. Main menu - Domains

1.1 Selecting a domain name

1.2 View and edit domain owner

Pay attention! The ability to edit the domain owner is only possible for international domains and domains of some countries.

Information about domains in the RU and RF zones is updated only using official documents (Scanned copy of OGRN and TIN for companies, scanned passport for individuals)

1.3 Information update

International domains have 3 fields available for editing:

  • Registrant Contact - Contains domain owner information
  • Admin Contact - Contains manager data (hosting provider data)
  • Tech Contact - Contains technical service data (hosting provider data)

The domain owner needs to keep up-to-date information only in the field - Registrant Contact.

1.3.1 Confirmation of data via the link sent by email

After making changes, a link is sent to your mailbox specified during registration. You need to click on it and agree to the change in the owner’s data.

If you have not received the letter, you can resend it by selecting a domain in the list, as described in clause 1.1

After successful confirmation, this notification will disappear.

If there is no confirmation within several days, the owner’s data remains the same, and the application to change the data is canceled.