
Help and description of the process of ordering services → Several IP addresses for virtual hosting service

Date of publication: 29.01.2024

All IP addresses for virtual hosting service are external and available on the Internet. For this service, by default, a common external IP address is issued, which is also used by other clients.

If you wish, you can order a dedicated IP address - it will be used only by you. This IP address is issued for the entire tariff plan and all sites on it will work through this IP address.

Tariff plans Business and Business+ already include a dedicated IP address.

On one tariff, only 1 IP address, shared or dedicated, can be assigned. If you want a certain site to have a separate IP address from other sites, you need to order a new tariff plan with a dedicated IP address and transfer it. Within one billing account, you can manage both tariffs (subscriptions) by switching between them in the hosting control panel.

For a dedicated IP address, it is possible to assign a default site, i.e. When you access the IP address, the configured site will be displayed.