


Purchasing a RU domain for Chinese citizens

In order to buy a domain name in the RU zone, foreign citizens, for example citizens of China, must indicate their passport details in the registration form. The foreign citizen must provide his local passport number, date of issue and other fields. You can also use ID card details if available.

It is very important to indicate the data correctly according to the document, since it is they that will confirm your ownership of the domain and, if you want to sell or re-register a domain name in the RU zone, you will need to provide them.

If you have any questions, you can always contact technical support by opening a request, we will always help you fill out the form. The data specified during registration can be changed only if they have changed in the passport - for this you need to provide a scanned copy of your passport by opening a request through your personal account.

Be careful when filling out your data at the time of registration to avoid mistakes.

When registering a domain name for an organization, you need to fill in the details of your local company - registration number, name and other fields. The data entered is of a similar nature as in the example with an individual.

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