(Machine translate of original)
PUBLIC OFFER \ Contract \ the DMCA
On providing services for websites and registration of domain names on the Internet, hereinafter referred to as Services Company LLC "SYNAY", hereinafter referred to as Contractor to any entity or individual, hereinafter referred to as the Customer. This proposal is in accordance with para. 2 of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is a public offer (hereinafter - Agreement), an unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of conditions which, in accordance with Art. 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation considered the fact of the transfer of funds by the Customer under the Agreement with the Contractor (st.st.434, 435, 438 of the Civil Code).
1.1. Service is to provide the customer:
- Unique login and password allowing him to place the files and information on Performer servers;
- The registration of domain names and support them in the primary and secondary DNS server names of the Contractor;
- The possibility of organizing an e-mail name in the domain name of the Customer with the volume stored in each moment of time information within quota, foreseen a tariff plan;
- The ability to use all available programs and functions under the tariff plan;
- Ensuring access by the Contractor to the Customer to the statistical data of the Web site, as well as round the clock operation of the Website and related software;
- Provision by the Contractor to the Customer consultations within the framework of the services provided by the system queries https://synay.net/manager/, email and telephone technical support.
1.2. The structure of the Service does not include configuration or diagnostics Customer equipment that is used to access the services of the Executive, as well as skills training on the Internet.
Domain Registration
1.3. Contractor provides a service for the agreement on the basis of registration of domain names, with many prisoners registering organizations including foreign ones.
1.3.1. The Contractor shall not be liable for the terms and possible delays associated with the technological characteristics of the recording companies, in the provision of the Contractor assist in registering domain names.
1.3.2. Domain names can be registered only under the following conditions, rules and regulations of their registration:
- The domain name is free at the time of registration;
- Specified in the application complete and correct required for domain name registration data;
- Introduced a surcharge in the event that the domain is a premium with high value;
- Complied with the rules and regulations of the registered domain zone.
1.3.3. All rights to the domain names registered with the Contractor throughout the period of payment, belong to the Customer, according to claim 3 of the Offer.
1.3.4. Customer acknowledges that according to his information at the time of the signing domain name registration, the procedure for its use did not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties.
1.3.5. Domain name registration is the final process a refund for already registered domains are not made under any circumstances.
1.3.6. Customer understands and agrees with the consideration of any disputes that may arise with respect to domain names, according to claim 5. offer.
2.1. Contractor Responsibilities:
2.1.1. Provide customer service in full by the Customer registration and issue of an username and password to e-mail the Customer or on paper.
2.1.2. Provide services in accordance with the chosen tariff plan and making the sum to the account of the Customer, in order to claim 3 of this offer.
2.1.3. Publish the official information related to customer service, as well as changes in tariffs paid on the Contractor's web site (hereinafter - the website) and send them by e-mail LLC "SYNAY" 123022, Moscow, Trehgorny shaft 1, 71 of web: www.synay.net an e-mail address: corp@synay.net . Tel : +7(495) 649 53 54
2.2. Customer Responsibilities:
2.2.1 Pay for the services in a timely manner in accordance with the chosen tariff plan in order to avoid blocking.
2.3. Performers' rights:
2.3.1. Temporarily (or fully) to stop the provision of the Services to the Customer and to demand written explanations from the Customer in the following cases:
- No payment for the services within the terms of the Contractor;
- Actions aimed at limiting or preventing other users access to services, as well as the implementation of unauthorized access to Performer resources and to other systems, accessible via the Internet;
- Sending through the Internet any information which contrary to requirements of the Russian legislation or international law. By sending understood as a mass mailing multiple emails multiple recipients and multiple mailing to one recipient, and the use of details (web pages, e-mail) of the Contractor in such lists, made through another provider. Under messages are understood e-mail, ICQ, and other similar means of information exchange;
- Publication or transmission of any information or software that contains software viruses or other components equal to them;
- Actions aimed at to send, publish, transmit, reproduce, share or in any way use the information, software or other materials, in whole or in part, except permitted the owner of such information, software or other products provided the presence of a written request of the owner of such information on the limitation of the above actions;
- Actions aimed at to send, publish, transmit, reproduce or distribute in any way the software or other materials, in whole or in part, are protected by copyright or other rights without the permission of the owner, as well as send, post, transmit or distribute by on its basis of the work, subject to a written request of the owner of such rights on the restriction of the listed actions;
- Sending an electronic message of commercial or other nature, inconsistent (not requested) previously to its recipient, as well as in case of violation Norms of using network adopted by the working group of the Open Forum of Internet service providers, with a written statement of recipient such delivery;
- Publication and transmission over the Internet any information contrary to the current Russian and international legislation. In particular, this applies to pornographic images. In the absence of legislatively set methods of determination that, whether concrete image is pornographic, Performer reserves right for such determination;
- Placing on servers Software Contractor (binary, scripts, etc.), Performing the role of a server or a separate service.
- Placing on the NIC chat, proxy, mail services, file sharing and torrent trackers.
2.3.2. Contractor is entitled to terminate the service and the contractual relations with the Customer unilaterally, with the simultaneous sending written notification email, in case of violation Customer terms of this offer. The moment of termination of the contract and termination of service is the date of filing an appropriate message to the Customer.
2.3.3. With increased (excess) Customer's use of hardware and other resources provided in the framework of the ordered tariff plan - the Contractor reserves the right to offer the customer switching to another tariff plan and the failure of the Customer - stop his service with the return of unused customer funds.
2.3.4. The Contractor has the right to disclose information about the Customer only in accordance with applicable Russian legislation.
2.3.5. Contractor has the right to change the terms of this offer unilaterally. The effective date of the changes of this offer is the date of their publication on the official web-site.
2.4. Customer's Rights:
2.4.1. Require the Contractor to provide the Services in accordance with the terms of this offer.
3.1. The cost of services is determined in accordance with the tariff plan, published on the web-site. The subscription fee and the prices of services are specified in rubles and standard units for the convenience of users. Calculations made by the Customer in rubles at the rate specified on the artist's website and are automatically taken into account for the payment of invoices in the billing panel (https://synay.net/manager/).
3.2. Contractor has the right to unilaterally revise and change the value of the Services, as well as to introduce new tariff plans. On the introduction of new prices Contractor shall notify the Customer by posting a message about it on the company "SYNAY" 123022, Moscow, Trehgorny shaft 1, 71 of web: www.synay.net an e-mail address: corp@synay.net . Tel : +7(495) 649 53 54 Official web-site or by sending email messages to the customer. The date of entry into force of the new tariff plan is the date of its publication on the official web-site. In the event of changes in tariffs, payment made earlier on the new tariffs are not recalculated.
3.3. Services are provided on a prepaid basis.
3.4. Payment is made in the form of prepayment by cash and cashless payment. Cash payment can be made by the Customer at any branch of Russian banks, either through the terminals express payment in accordance with payment instructions via terminals. If you pay through the bank customer is obliged to indicate in the payment document number of the invoice in the billing system of the Contractor. Contractor shall be entitled not to provide services if the customer payment document not specified individual's account number until the moment of payment document in line.
3.5. Customer is solely responsible for the correctness and timeliness of payments made by them. In the event of a change of bank details of the Contractor, from the date of publication of new details on the official web site of the Contractor, the Customer is solely responsible for the payments made on obsolete requisites.
3.6. The fact of payment for Services is considered confirmed, and Customer personal account open - after receipt of the information from the bank about the depositing of the funds to the account of the Contractor.
3.7. Within thirty (30) days from the date of formation of the debt on the personal account of the Customer login Customer, its files, and the contents of the mailbox are saved for the customer. After this period the Contractor has the right to delete all information from the customer's servers.
3.8. Goods and services provided by the Contractor can not be transferred to third parties, including the transfer to services to other companies in the following cases:
- Receipt of this service as a bonus or gift
- If incomplete (partial) payment of the service
- Claims under item 2.3.1 and sub-items. this offer
- Receive a bonus or gift to this service
3.8.1. This product or service may be transferred to third parties, including the translation service to other companies subject to full payment of services rendered or goods.
3.8.2 Refunds
In case of early termination of the use of services to the client returns the remainder of unused funds from the account within 3 working days after treatment. When calculating the amount repayable funds used by the base value of the monthly subscription fee without discounts. Funds spent on domain registration are non-refundable.
Balance of unused funds, including not spent (not retired) funds can be returned within 3 days of contact through personal study and create a query .
Depending on the selected method of payment the customer can choose a refund. For example the order has been paid VISA card, which is no longer used by the Customer and is closed, the client can inform other props where it is convenient to get cash. Thus fixed translation and the client is sent a scan of the payment order for the transfer of funds from the fact of us. The Commission of the transfer in this case pays LLC "SYNAY" and the customer receives exactly the amount that is listed in your account and is refundable.
4.1. Contractor does not guarantee absolutely uninterrupted or error free Services and does not guarantee that the proposed software or any other materials do not contain system errors. Contractor shall take all reasonable efforts and measures to prevent this.
4.2. The Contractor shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to the Customer as a result of the use or inability to use the Services or incurred as a result of errors, omissions, interruptions , deletion of files, defects, delays in operation or transmission of data, or change features and other causes. Contractor does not guarantee acceptance of mail from the customer's remote network operation which led to the listed address of the network in the list, for which the delivery of the program address of the Contractor shall not accept mail.
4.3. The Contractor shall not be liable for the quality of public communication channels through which to access to Performer Services.
4.4. The customer assumes full responsibility and risk associated with the use of the Internet through the Service, including the responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of any opinions, ideas, and other information, as well as the quality and characteristics of the goods and services distributed on the Internet and provided Customer through the Service.
4.5. The customer is fully responsible for the security of your password and for losses that may occur due to unauthorized use. In case of theft of login and password what happened through the fault of third party client may send to the Executor an application for change of login and password, with the mandatory application to the statement corresponding financial document confirming the payment for Services, as well as a copy of the document proving the identity (for the Customer - natural person ) or a certificate of registration (for the Customer - legal entity).
4.6. Contractor is not responsible for notifying any third parties about deprivation Customer of access and of the possible consequences resulting from the lack of such a warning.
4.7. Performer is not respondent or respondent by any obligations and costs associated with the violation of the provisions of the offer by the Customer or any other person using your user name and password of the Customer; or related to the use of the Internet through the Service; or connected with the placement or transmission of any message, information, software or other materials on the Internet by Customer or other persons using its login and password.
4.8. Artist fulfills the customer's request, directed only to the contact e-mail or from the Customer account on the official web-site. Contact e-mail address is considered to be specified during the registration on the official web-site. The customer can change the contact e-mail in the registration database when entering billing panel (login) at https://synay.net/manager/.
5.1. Customer claims for the services provided by the Contractor are accepted for consideration or in written form or through a site section
Complaints and no later than 3 working days from the date when the dispute arose. Term of consideration of the claims of the Customer is not more than fourteen (14) working days. LLC "SYNAY" 123022, Moscow, Trehgorny shaft 1, 71 of web: www.synay.net an e-mail address:corp@synay.net . Tel : +7(495) 649 53 54
5.2. Consideration of the claim to the Contractor relating to the provision of services is carried out upon presentation of the Customer corresponding financial documents confirming the payment for Services.
5.3. To resolve technical issues in determining the guilt of the Customer as a result of his wrongful acts at using Internet network, the Contractor is entitled to independently attract competent organizations as experts.
5.4. Registration of domains .RU / .SU carried out according to the rules on the web-site http://cctld.ru/ru/docs/ and all disputes on domain names made through domain name registrars who have registered such domain name, according to their procedures.
5.5. When considering the dispute, as evidence, the parties may provide printed electronic letter (e-mail), with stored service technical information in them (titles). If a service technical information (titles) is not such a letter is not proof. Originality headlines email can confirm Internet service providers with which it was sent to the appropriate e-mail, or independent experts.
6. The entry into force of public offer. VALIDITY. ORDER CANCELLATION
6.1. The customer may at any time unilaterally withdraw from the Contractor Services.
6.2. Contractor is entitled unilaterally to refuse service to the Customer without explanation given 6.3.
6.3. In the event of early termination of the Services under this Offer is made to the Customer a refund for unused time upon presentation of customer financial documents, confirming the payment. When refund the Contractor is entitled to deduct the cost of domain registration, as well as other goods and services received by the customer in a gift according to current tariffs.
6.4. The public offer shall enter into force on the date of payment for the services in the manner prescribed by this offer.
6.5. For all issues unsettled in the present text of the offer shall be governed by the applicable Russian legislation.
7. Report Abuse Policy
If the Rightholder discovers the facts of illegal use by Owners of sites or domains, the Rightholder has the right to apply to SYNAY LLC with a complaint about illegal use or abuse by e-mail at abuse@synay.net or through a system of requests.
The complaint on illegal use must be in Russian or English or a translation into Russian or English should be attached to it and also contain the following data:
7.1. Information about the Applicant, allowing him to identify and promptly contact him, if necessary, including by e-mail:
A) for a natural person - last name, first name, patronymic, contact information (phone number or e-mail address);
B) for a company - name, location and address, contact information (phone and fax number, e-mail address).
7.2. Information on the Site (with the URLs of all pages on the Site where the information is located without the permission of the Copyright Holder or other legal basis) and a specific object, material or information (hereinafter referred to as the "Disputable Object") posted on the Site, the Domain without the permission of the right holder or Other legal grounds;
7.3. An indication of the rightholder's possession of the Rights to the Disputed Object posted on the Site without his permission or other legal basis.
7.4. A list of the claims made by the Copyright Holder to SYNAY LLC on any actions or abstention from committing such actions with a view to taking necessary and sufficient measures to stop the infringement of intellectual or other rights of the Rightholders.
8. Acceptable Usage Policy
8.1 Illegal Activity
Customer may only use SYNAY Hosting's Server for lawful purpose. Transmission of any material in violation of any Country, Federal, State or Local regulation is prohibited. To this effect, child pornography is strictly prohibited as well as housing any copyrighted information (to which the customer does not hold the copyright or an appropriate license) on SYNAY Web Hosting's Server. Also, using SYNAY's servers or network to conspire to commit or support the commission of illegal activities is forbidden as well.
8.2 Hacking
Websites dedicated to the discussion of hacking activities or the distribution of hacking tools are prohibited. Also, the usage of SYNAY's computer systems or network to access any system, service, or network without the owner's consent is expressly forbidden.
8.3 Service Interruptions
Any activity which causes service interruptions to either SYNAY's network/servers or any outside network. This includes, but is not limited to, the execution of Denial of Service attacks or other maliciously configured software.
9. Privacy Policy
9.1 The Contractor undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the Customer's information received in any way including registration, as well as the contents of private e-mail messages, except for cases provided for by the current legislation of Russia;
9.2 Transfer of personal data
The transfer of personal data to third parties or companies is possible only in the following cases:
9.2.1. The user has separately given his consent to the transfer of his data to third parties;
9.2.2. According to the policy of our company, we believe that the preservation and use of collected information about users is necessary for:
Compliance with the rules and requirements established by law;
Investigation of possible violations (offenses);
Prevention of fraudulent manipulation;
Protection of the rights and freedoms of users of our company.
9.3 Protection of personal information
SYNAY LLC takes all possible measures to ensure a high level of security and control to prevent unauthorized access, modification or deletion of data. This aspect is applicable to the use of data and the physical protection of the entire infrastructure.
9.4 Updating personal data
The company SYNAY LLC provides an opportunity for its customers to change the data in the event that they are entered incorrectly at the entrance to our service.
9.5 Collection of personal data
When registering for the use of our products, or by simply visiting our page, the user may enter certain personal information. In the future, we can use this information to provide the user with quality service and facilitate certain processes of working with our product. When a user visits the page repeatedly, we already have a certain idea about it and can offer him the best options for our service.
When the user is on our resource, we send cookies (small files with a string of characters) to the user's computer, which determine the parameters of the user's browser. In our case, the use of cookies serves to improve our service, and also remembers the visitor's preferences. By default, many web browsers are configured to accept cookies. However, the user can disable this option and not accept all cookies. It should be noted that if we turn off cookies and can not collect personal information from users, we will not be able to offer them the most suitable option for the service.
10. Identification
10.1 By default, not need to go through the identification of your data, which are self-filled by the client when registering on the site. In some cases, we may request data to identify you, including written scanned copies of statements, here are some reasons below:
To get a transfer code for RU, РФ domains;
Re-registration of the service owner, change of the service owner, restoration of access to the personal account;
Return of unspent balance funds to other details, if for some reason a return to the current ones (used when crediting funds) is not available, for example, the company details have changed;
As well as other cases requiring changes, updating customer data.
10.2 Passage of identification implies the provision of photographs, scanned copies of one or several of the following documents at once: passport, driver's license, certificate (birth, death), certificate (registration, liquidation), as well as a scanned copy of statements, contracts, other documents confirming your identity or company. Photos of you with the necessary documents may also be requested including know-your-business (“KYB”) and know-your-customer (“KYC”) verification.
Limited Liability Company "SYNAY"